Saturday, December 21, 2019

Socrates s Argument At 30a B Of The Apology - 1386 Words

Essay #1 In this paper I will argue that Socrates’s argument at 30a-b of the Apology that the best possible state of the soul is the most important thing in life means to eliminate false beliefs and to have virtue. Specifically, I will show why Socrates wants to eliminate false beliefs and why he insist on having virtue is important in life. Then I will demonstrate why Socrates’ argument is incorrect because he fails to identify the true catalyst that drives his happiness. I conclude Socrates’s reasoning behind his arguments are logical and sound, however he made the mistake of thinking that whatever drives his happiness will drive others as well. To understand Socrates’ remark at 30a-b of the Apology that the best possible state of the soul is the most important thing in life, one must examine the center stage of which the Apology takes place. The Apology is set at the jury when Meletus accuses Socrates of corrupting the young and being an atheist. This leads to Socrates proclaiming his belief in life, which is to live the life of a philosopher, to examine [himself] and others, [he] had abandoned [his] post for fear of death or anything else (29a). Socrates further elaborates the idea of being a philosopher is to repeatedly self-examine and eliminate all false beliefs in life, which will eventually lead to an excellent soul. The connection between philosophizing and having an excellent soul is made when Socrates conducted his own investigation by questioning reputable

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